Wiring language Consolle print and println in AURIX™

Now it's time to enhance our simple AURIX™ implementation by extending the feature set with the Consolle module. Such permit to have a simple output consolle functions to print comments or information during code execution to RS232 (seeo Serial print()).

Such provide two simple functions:
  • void Consolle_print(const void *data);
  • void Consolle_println(const void *data);

The use is quite simple and self-explainable. As for example:
// set-up function for CPU2

void cpu2_setup() {

Consolle_print("HALLO from CPU3!"ENDLINE);


Resulting into:

Note: please note that thanks to the good DAS implementation (ref. Infineon DAS, the serial port is routed from the AURIX pins to the USB via the FTI debugger chip. Therefore, you just need to connect the AURIX™ board to the PC via the mini-USB cable, without any need of power or additional USB or RS232 cables. Clearly you have to check the right COM port to be selected on the consolle terminal (COM8 in my case).

Sources are available at GitHub
